Monday, June 7, 2010


There are many milestones in life and my daughter reached one this past week. She graduated from eighth grade. This is a big deal in her life and mine as a mother. She’s the oldest of my three daughters which means she has to test the waters. She will be the one to push the limits and see how far she can get and the others will try to slide on her coattails.

Unfortunately for her, her mom writes young adult which means I still live in that world to some extent. I’m not sure she will get away with much, or maybe she will since I’ve been there done that. Either way, it’s going to be an adventure for us both.

Congratulations Michelle, you make me very proud.

Thanks for letting me share this milestone with you!



Marilyn Meredith a.k.a. F. M. Meredith said...

One of my great-grandsons graduated from 8th grade last week. He was the class president and he's also the shortest boy in his class--shorter than all the girls too. Says he's going out for basketball at high school, should be interesting. Maybe he'll have one of those growth spurts this summer.


Mary@GigglesandGuns said...

Congratulations to both of you!
Maybe Michelle will feed your imagination -- in a very good way.
(She's beautiful and looks like you. Don't tell her that. It's usually a compliment that brngs a groan. LOL)

Margot Justes said...

A beautiful picture. Congratulations to both of you.
High School next.
All the best,

June said...

Marilyn, congratulations to your great-grandson! I'm sure he will have that growth spurt and I love his ambition.

Maribeth and Margot, thank you very much! I agree, she is beautiful.

; )

Anonymous said...

haha mom im taller than you (:

Morgan Mandel said...

Great pic!

Morgan Mandel